Keeping fit the Sardinian way
Shanghai News

Keeping fit the Sardinian way

Physical and mental health are essential to persevering through these challenging times. This May, many readers share my concern on how to keep fit and optimistic during the various stages of lockdown. Personally, I’ve been running on my treadmill at home and doing a lot of...
Tasty treats from gift packs
Shanghai News

Tasty treats from gift packs

Using simple ingredients instead of the usual professional items and making do with the limited gear at hand, it’s fun to create our own delicacies during home quarantine. Carrots, cabbages, even rice — the unexpected ingredients in your government gift packs can be turned into savory...
Pandemic fight safeguards global supply chains
Shanghai News

Pandemic fight safeguards global supply chains

A Chinese city’s swift return to normalcy following a COVID-19 outbreak has served as the latest proof of China’s efforts to strengthen global supply chains strained by the surging pandemic. Shenzhen, a tech hub in southern China, has seen government offices and businesses resume normal work...
Learning from the locals:  how to innovate in China
Shanghai News

Learning from the locals: how to innovate in China

China represents a huge growth market for many companies. Yet many Western multinationals struggle to innovate at the pace of Chinese start-ups. This difficulty is rooted in several practical business considerations. Strategic portfolio decisions are driven by headquarters, while research and product development teams are typically...
Unilateral sanctions will worsen Ukraine conflict
Shanghai News

Unilateral sanctions will worsen Ukraine conflict

Although some countries, led by the United States and some of its European allies, have announced round after round of sanctions on Russia for the Ukraine conflict, a closer scrutiny would reveal that countries with explicit sanctions, numbering less than 20, are still a small fraction...