People in controlled and precautionary areas; People who go to fever clinics; People who voluntarily do PCR tests at testing centers; People found by other provinces among travelers.
There are two main categories for Shanghai’s locally transmitted daily COVID-19 infection cases — confirmed cases (those with symptoms) and asymptomatic cases. Local infections also have three components. The first are people who test positive during “quarantined management and control.” They mainly include those under central...
For Serena and her husband, their stay at the Baimao makeshift hospital in Shanghai’s downtown Xuhui District was definitely a special experience in their lives. “Actually, it was not bad, and the atmosphere there was really good, everyone stayed positive and tried hard to get rid...
A TOTAL of 247 foreign-invested companies in Shanghai are included in the first batch of 666 companies on the city’s “white list” designed to support firms to resume production amid the COVID-19 lockdown, an official said yesterday. The companies are mainly in key sectors, including integrated...
Three officials in Baoshan District have been suspended from work for dereliction of duty over the purchase and distribution of food packs. They are still under investigation. The suburban district watchdog said Huan Xiuzhi and Yang Cheng, both deputy directors of Zhangmiao Subdistrict office, and community...
Parks in Shanghai have been closed due to the lockdown but who’s taking care of the animals residing there? At Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park in the Pudong New Area, for instance, more than 700 marine life keepers decided to stay on site during lockdown to take...
The southern city of Guangzhou yesterday canceled all domestic flights and began testing 5.6 million people over four confirmed COVID-19 infections, part of an escalating battle across China against the pandemic. The major trade and manufacturing hub announced mass testing for almost a third of its...
Districts in Shanghai which achieve zero community transmission at first will allow their residents to move around in limited areas, local authorities announced yesterday as the city’s daily COVID-19 infection numbers maintained their downward trend. A limited number of residents will be allowed to conduct minimal...